Fashion repurposed upcycling projects

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With every decision we make to buy or discard fashion, we have the power to affect a whole value chain. Here I share some personal sustainable fashion projects.
upcycled saree

My Sustainable Wedding Outfits : Upcycled Madhubani + Silk Saree

For my wedding dinner at home, my mother let me upcycle her hand embroidered silk saree. Check out a modern twist to the 9 yard!

Sustainable Christmas

My Sustainable Christmas!

How can you make Christmas pretty without buying stuff? Use simple items at home for a sustainable Christmas celebration!

Upcycled corduroy pants

Upcycling a pair of Men’s Corduroy Pants to Women’s

I was itching to buy a pair of corduroy pants and at the nick of time found my husbands old pair in his discard pile.


A repository of all my resources and favourite content on sustainable fashion

Denim Knowledge for Conscious Consumers

What to wear with a denim jacket? Where can I buy denim jeans for men? I want denim jeggings! Denim […]

Linen facts

Amazing Facts and Benefits of Linen

Here are some amazing facts and benefits of linen, which is one of the oldest and most sustainable fabrics.

Climate change justice

My Favourite Video on Climate Change

What is Climate Change? Climate change is the long-term alteration of temperature and weather patterns in a region or globally. Changes […]

What is sustainability

Reducing Unsustainability or Creating Sustainability?

The world is more unsustainable now than in the 1970s despite commitments to sustainability. What is sustainability? Can we sustain growth?

circular fashion

What is Circular Fashion

A circular fashion system is one where waste and pollution is eliminated, products and materials are kept in use longer through reuse and upcycling, and recycling of textiles is done at scale. Alternatively, the fabric mix is one that can be returned safely to the biosphere.

fashion consumption and waste

Fashion Consumption and Waste

My resources for fashion consumption and waste. Follow the links on the post for in-depth reading and analysis.

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