Linen facts

Linen Fabric Facts and Benefits


+ Linen is woven out of the fibers of the flax plants and is one of the world’s oldest fabrics. Modern archeologists date back the evidence of wild flax fibers to almost 26000 to 32000 years ago making it older than cotton and silk.

+ Linen is one of the least environmentally damaging textiles. It is a natural fibre that is biodegradable and can be reabsorbed in the soil in a matter of years. This is unlike synthetic fabrics that may take centuries to deconstruct and additionally release microfibers.

+ Linen is a breathable fabric and hence very desirable for hot climates. When worn, it absorbs perspiration and swells and releases moisture to the outside air.

+ The natural white colour of the linen fabric inherently reflects heat-inducing solar rays. It moreover suits nearly everyone in its natural, neutral shades.

+ It becomes softer and improves in comfort over time.

+ Flax fibers and fabrics increase in strength by 20% when wetted. This makes linen more durable than cotton.

+ Flax cell is highly compatible with the human cell. It protects the human organism from gamma and solar radiation.

+ Linen is non-allergenic and works great for people with sensitive or allergy prone skin.

+ It is a great material for bedlinen all year round due to its temperature regulating properties and rapid absorption. Linen can absorb unto 20% of its weight in moisture and still feel dry to touch.

+ The tensile strength of the linen thread is twice as much as cotton and thrice as much as wool.

+ Linen repels stains better than most other fabrics and retains dyed colours very well.

+ If linen is cultivated with proper stewardship of the land, it does not harm the environment. It is one of the most sustainable textiles and can help make fashion circular.

You can explore more at European Confederation of Flax and Hemp.

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